Join the Safe Sleep Movement

First 5 Fresno is proud to take part in reducing SIDS in our community through our Infant Safe Sleep Education and Awareness campaign called Sleep Safe Baby. As a trusted community partner, we would love if your organization would partner with us in spreading the message of infant safe sleep practices. 

Here’s How You Can Join the Sleep Safe Movement​

Spread the Word on Social Media

Social Media Toolkit

You can access and share all of our social media content, including our Social Media Toolkit.

Download this toolkit to raise awareness of SIDS, normalize images of safe sleep practices, and celebrate caregivers’ roles in keeping their babies sleeping safely and comfortably.

Adjust the tools in this kit to meet your or your organization’s goals for SIDS awareness.

Copy/Paste Post Content

We have standard verbiage and graphics designed to teach the basics of Infant Safe Sleep, as well as encourage others to share the knowledge.

Share Our Videos

Our videos are designed to teach the basics of infant safe sleep. Feel free to download and share our videos on social media, on your website, in presentations, etc.

Distribute Printables

Download, print, and share our brochures and in-hand material with your community. Our easy-to-read materials teach the essentials of infant safe sleep practices in a culturally relevant and easily digestible format.

It can’t get simpler than the ABCs of infant-safe sleep. Our ABC’s Poster is a beautiful visual reminder of infant safe sleep practices. Hang it on your walls. Order extras to distribute to your community. Encourage parents and caregivers to hang them up next to their crib as a visual reminder for babysitters.

Host an Event 

The Sleep Safe Baby booth is a great way to draw attention and share infant safe sleep practices in your community. We work with local community based organizations and trusted community members who can setup and run the Sleep Safe Baby booth at local events. If you have an upcoming community event that would benefit from having the Sleep Safe Baby booth, please contact us.


Request Printed Brochures/Poster

Request a Booth