You don’t have to be a supermom to keep your baby sleeping safe and comfortable—all you need to do is follow a few simple guidelines.
Here are actionable steps you can take TODAY to help prevent your baby from becoming one of the 3,500 babies who die from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
Many of us tend to let baby safety issues slide because it’s easier to put them on the back burner in favor of immediate needs. However, with a little planning and forethought, you can keep your baby safe without increasing your stress level too much.
The most important thing you can do is to place your baby on their back for sleep. Since 1992, when the American Academy of Pediatrics began recommending this sleep position, the annual SIDS rate has declined by more than 50 percent.
Even if your baby sleeps in a crib, bassinet, or firm mattress, it’s still important to put them to sleep on their backs. You should never leave a baby unsupervised while they are in that space.
You should also ensure that everyone who cares for your baby knows about safe sleep practices and how to respond if they think something is wrong with their breathing or heartbeat.
If you smoke, quit smoking while pregnant and after giving birth. If you can’t quit completely, consider nicotine gum so that you don’t expose your baby to secondhand smoke during pregnancy and beyond.
Breastfeeding is another way to reduce the risk of SIDS. If you breastfeed, keep doing it for as long as possible—it may help protect your child from other health problems later in life too.
It’s also very important for parents to get enough sleep themselves. When parents are overtired and exhausted, they are more likely to make mistakes that could be potentially dangerous for their babies — like accidentally leaving them alone in unsafe places such as car seats or playpens.
You can keep your baby safe in many different ways, and all you have to do is find a method that fits your family’s needs. Many of the options above don’t require too much devotion and they are all methods that you can use immediately to help keep your baby safe.
PLEASE SHARE this Information with other mamas, papas, grandmas, grandpas, caregivers, birthing coaches, doulas, and providers to help us protect babies and reduce SIDS.
The information shared in this is part of the Sleep Safe Baby Campaign. Sleep Safe Baby is an Infant Safe Sleep Public Education and Awareness Campaign funded by First 5 Fresno County. Our hope with Sleep Safe Baby is to shift cultural norms and everyday sleep practices to reduce SIDS in Fresno.
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